Saturday, December 13, 2014

Every Ending is just a Beginning in Disguise

Today, as I hung out with 4 of the 7 women I have spent the last six months with, I realized how true it is that every ending is just another beginning. I have spent the last six months training to be a massage therapist. At minimum this has meant 8 hours a day 5 days a week at school, not including the 7 hour Saturdays (most Saturdays) and 2x per week of clinic adding another 4 hours to my already long days. In the last six months we 8 have bonded, bonded as a family. We have spent more time together in the past 6 months that I have spent with my own family in that time. We graduated on Friday. All the hard work (58 tests), the stress, the study sessions, the encouragement, lifting each other up when one or more of us just felt like we couldn't go on, we will always have that. 

When we started we were told that the people you meet in massage school will form a bond that is unique and special, we didn't understand how true that was until we made it through this program together. The journey is not over, on the contrary it is just beginning. We have 6 weeks to prepare for the New York State Boards, and then we wait for up to 6 weeks while we wait for our results and our licenses. This is a new journey for us, and I am glad we are making it as friends. 

I know that we will drift, Peg and Hannah are headed to Florida, Janet eventually to North Carolina, Ryane is a wondering spirit, and Jen A is so far away already. Jennie and I will probably be the ones who stay here in the ROC, and I will take on the task of keeping us together. Once a quarter I will arrange a get together and those who can make it will, but at least once a year I will hound everyone to get together.

So while you don't know these fabulous women I do, so let me introduce you the the people they are as seen through my eyes:

Peggy: Peg is the Momma Bear and my big sister. I love her dearly. She was a shoulder to cry on, and understood my stress and could always tell when any of us just needed a mom's shoulder to cry on. 

Hannah: She is the baby of the group, turning 19 in our program she shows incredible maturity and focus for someone so young. She often reminded me of my own daughter and if my girls grow up to be as brave, strong and confident as she is I will be proud. She is a shining star and I love her dearly.

Jen A:  Jen A. was quiet and shy. She was reserved and I couldn't get a read on her. At first I didn't think she liked me. She is determined and worked hard to get to where she is. She came out of her shell a bit with all of us, but she will always be the quiet one in the group (it is the quiet ones you have to watch out for). She is the Zen Tinkerbell. I love her dearly.

Jennie: Not much older than Hannah she was also quite shy at first, but she warmed up fast and we learned she had quite the wild side. She also has a vulnerable side that she tries really hard not to show. She loves a good party and she kept us all upbeat and going. I love her dearly.

These were my fellow 6 monthers, those of us crazy enough to want to do a 12 month program in only 6 months. We were joined in the afternoons by Janet and Ryane, and eventually Jennifer.

Janet: She kept to herself, not sure if she should come over and join our close knit group. It took us all a while but eventually we all warmed up to each other, and she fell into our fold. Her cartoons made us laugh (and sometimes laugh so hard we cried). Little did she know how much joy those little items brought us, or how needed they were on some of our more stressful days. I love her dearly.

Ryane: Though she started out just in the afternoons with us, she eventually had to finish out the morning Myo class with us. She instantly fell in with Hannah and the rest is history. We have war stories to share. None of us will look at post-it notes the same. Some day soon we are all going on a trip to the S Exchange for our $4 shirts. I love her dearly.

Jennifer: Jennifer joined our group halfway through. She went through massage school with extraordinary circumstances. I don't believe she knows how truly strong she is, and I am in awe of her. She was my partner often for Shiatsu and it was nice to have one other person in the room who just didn't feel it, no matter how much we wanted to. I love her dearly.

We are taking a small break as we head into the Holiday Season, and I know I will be going through withdrawal, but we'll see each after Christmas as we prep for our Boards. 

One Journey ends, only to find we are at the start of another. For some of us, we are standing at a cross roads with so many choices in front of us, for others we have already chosen our path. For ALL of us there is no road we cannot travel together, and together in spirit we will always be. Every time I lay hands on another each of you will be in my heart and my hands. Each of you has influenced me as a massage therapist. THANK YOU and I LOVE YOU DEARLY.  

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