Sunday, December 21, 2014

Just Call Me Last Minute Lucy

Every year it is the same old story. As I wrap of the Holiday of the past year I vow to be more organized, more on top of my holiday prep. I vow to start my gifts early, and shop early, but then... I wait until the last possible minute to get everything done, and as a result I overspend. I really thought this year would be different. I always had good reasons for not getting things done sooner. I was busy with work, I was stressed and needed some down time, I just didn't have the time or the energy. This year I finished my schooling on 12/12 and I should have had a whole week to myself (while the girls were at school) to work on stuffs.... but I didn't.

Christmas is 3 days away and I still don't have everything done. I started Toothless today, but I don't know if that is going to come out or even get finished. I still need to make sugar scrubs, body butters, bath salts and coupon books. 

I did not send out Christmas cards, but then again I don't think I have sent out Christmas cards for almost a decade now.

I am a procrastinator and an excuse maker. Reasons are just excuses in nice clothing. I acknowledge this and 2015 is the year I work on changing that. I will work to be better prepared. This blog will help me do that. 

I also realize I missed a post yesterday, but rather than try to rush through one last night at 10 p.m., instead I accepted it for what it is. I am still going to try to post for the remaining portion of my 375 blog post per day. Missing yesterday was a just one of those things. 

I used to enjoy the holidays, then some how I got lost in trying to make the holidays perfect. Just before Thanksgiving, Thia told me the thing she remembers about the holidays is how stressed I get. Not the awesome gifts, or the fabulous things I have done to make Christmas "perfect". Not the fabulous and unique wrapping jobs I accomplish. Not the separate Santa paper. Not the unique ornament each year. Not the story book each year. No her memories are of me stressed out at the holidays. Talk about a bitter reality check. I wanted my girls to remember the holidays as a fun time with family, not Mom all stressed out. 

While they are teenagers there is still hope and there is still time. My mission from here on out, is to make sure that all holidays are laid back, and that the focus is family. Forget perfection, just enjoy the moment. 

Toothless can wait till tomorrow. I'll try to finish the head, and maybe start drafting the pattern for the body. Toothless might have been a bit ambitious for a non-sewer without a printer. I have a tutorial with a fab pattern, but my printer and my computer do not see eye to eye, so I am without a printer. 

So as you prepare and navigate this holiday season with family and friends, take a moment every once in a while to smile and enjoy the season. When you find yourself stressing, ask yourself if this doesn't get done, or come out perfectly what is the worst thing that could happen. Then remember you have a home, a family and friends to spend the holidays with. That is all that anyone really needs for the holidays and everyday.

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