Saturday, December 27, 2014

What The New Year Holds For Me!

Another day draws to a close, and I have accomplished nothing.  I have decided that it is important for me to get up and get dressed. I am also going to give myself a to do list with 5 items on it. I plan to accomplish those 5 things before I sit down to the computer or to the television.

What I have accomplished is keeping up with the dishes. Since before Christmas I have managed to keep up with the dishes and not head to bed until the dishes are washed. This is where I began. 

Tomorrow I am going to clean the stove top.

I also stumbled upon the blog Refashionista and I am inspired. While I cannot sew a stitch, I am inspired to turn the clothes I no longer fit or wear into something new. In the past year I have lost nearly 20 pounds and have quite a few items that no longer fit or flatter. I could head to the thrift store and find some new pieces, but money is tight and I would prefer not to spend what I don't have to spend. 

I am also going to begin the year of the purge. I am getting rid of everything that doesn't serve a purpose. My plan is to go room by room and simply ask myself: keep, sell, toss, recycle, upcycle or gift.

Anything I am keeping will have to be put in its permanent home. 

Those items I want to sell will be cleaned and prepped for selling and a tag added. They will be listed on the facebook page I am part of. Items will be listed for two weeks only and then either donated to the thrift store or stored for my summer neighborhood garage sale. 

Items to be tossed will be taken directly out to the trash bin, and those items that can be recycled will be placed in the recycle bin.

Upcycled items will be placed on a shelf in my office with a tag for what I plan to up-cycle it. If at the end of the month I haven't upcycled the item then it will go the way of trash, recycle or donation. 

Gift items will be stored on a separate shelf in my office.

Any item I am iffy about will find a home in a box in my office. It can sit in that box until the end of the month and then it will find a new home. 

These are my guidelines, and I will break them if need be. For example if I want to upcycle an item and it requires materials I do not have the funds for I will consider setting that project aside until I have the funds to complete the project. 

This is almost a one touch rule. 

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