Thursday, March 3, 2016

Thankful Thursday

I think that being Thankful for what we have one Thursday a year is part of the problem society as a whole is facing. Especially, since we celebrate the generosity and kindness of a group of people (Native Americans) who helped the early English settlers only to have those same people turn around and take, take, take leaving the Native Americans a decimated group with only the shoddiest of land holdings (you know the lands the European Settlers didn't want anyway). 

So instead I choose to be Thankful everyday. Everyday there is something to be thankful for, however American society often takes for granted all that we have and lusts for the thing(s) that we do not. 

Thankful for food for myself and my children. Thankful for my SNAP benefits to allow me to provide food for myself and my children. Thankful for the Friends of the Public Market program that gives me bonus coupons at the Public Market allowing me to stretch my food dollars further and afford good food for my kids. Thankful that I am healthy and capable of walking since I don't have a car. Thankful that I have friends (near and far) who love and offer support. 

Despite how Thankful I am, I still have bad days and days when I am sad. I can acknowledge all that I have around me, but it doesn't change the way I feel inside. Some days I would trade everything I had for a little fairness in life. After all life isn't fair. Sometimes it knocks you down and drags you along. Sometimes when you get up you find the Universe was trying to tell you something and you just weren't listening. Other times you get up and realize you are no better off than you were before.

Today is one of those days. A day where despite all that I have I am sad. Sad that no matter what I do I cannot make things fair for my children. 

Thankfully, tomorrow is another day and I can simply wait it out.

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