Friday, March 25, 2016

Frugal Fridays

More food waste in my home, food waste is financially killing me. Since my last food waste update I have thrown out:

Grapes - like two pint baskets worth. Sam and I went to the market on Thursday of last week and we picked up a few things. Grapes were one of them. I have noticed the last few times I have purchased grapes I have thrown them out. I wonder if it because they are not in season and the flavor or texture is lacking. Going forward I will purchase smaller amounts of grapes (that are local and in season) and make sure to use them up before they go bad. 

Hubbard Squash - I went all season and didn't see a single Hubbard squash which Lu and I love (Sam is not a fan) and then finally one weekend (well out of season) I found one. It was huge. I never got around to cooking it. Sadly it started to mold. I tossed the remains in the side garden (next to the house foundation) and now all I can hope is that the seeds fruit.

Cantaloupe - Sam really prefers Honeydew to Cantaloupe. The watermelon we managed to eat but it was pretty lack luster flavor wise. One of the cantaloupes was eaten the other went bad. 

Right now I have a bunch of broccoli to save. I think I will blanch it all today and freeze it for future use.  There are Asian Pears (some will need to be thrown away) that I need to chop and freeze (could be good in Kale Ale Smoothies, or in my trials to make the puff pancake I am sharing). The apples look good and there is a knob of ginger that is wrinkling, so maybe I'll make some Ginger Lemon-aid that I saw on Facebook.

Speaking of Facebook I often see videos for foods in my feed and I think I wonder if I can make that Gluten Free and then Lu safe. Usually I make a comment or like them thinking I can find them again later (but usually cannot). I am going to try pinning them instead. 

So I watched this video and decided I wanted to make this Gluten Free. Two reasons I have left over GF Pancake Mix that neither Sam or I particularly enjoy. It is grainy. So I figured worse case scenario was that I wasted the ingredients to the dish. Knowing that a Dutch Baby is a light and fluffy pancake I decided to make the dough thinner than the directions called for. 

Since I was using a small cast iron skillet I used 1/2 an Asian pear (because they are getting soft), I cooked it in a pat of organic butter and made used a drizzle of honey and spoon of coconut sugar. Then when the pear was caramelized I DID NOT remove it from the pan and wipe the pan down. Instead I just added coconut oil to the pan and while that melted I turned on my oven and mixed my batter. I can't tell you what brand the GF Pancake mix is, my mother purchased it from BJs a while ago and the cat tore the packaging. I poured the mix into jars and wrote out the directions. The package directions called for 1 c of mix, 1/2 c of milk (increased to 1 c to make the batter thinner), 1 egg and 1 TBPS of oil. I did not add oil to the mix as I had 1 T of oil in the pan. I mixed the ingredients and added cinnamon, clove, ginger and vanilla extract. Poured into the pan and put in the oven at 350 for 20 minutes. 

The result was tasty, fluffy like a cake (not as airy as a Dutch Baby should be) BUT most importantly not at all grainy. Sam has yet to try it, but we shall see. (Update - Sam tried the skillet panCake and stated that it was all right).  I think adding a second egg (and whipping the eggs before adding to the mix might help. So that is what I will try next time. Once I have perfected the recipe then I'll work on making it Lu safe.

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