Sunday, March 27, 2016

Happy Easter!

It is Easter and I am sitting here waiting for the kids to come home.  Last Easter I was just starting out on starting over. It is not quite a year, I have two more days to go. 

One of the things I previously mentioned was being prepared for Christmas, but it is not enough to just be prepared for Christmas. I like the Holidays, all the Holidays, even the Hallmark Holidays. Now if the only time to you show someone that they are important to you is the Holidays, then it probably isn't enough. The Holidays remind us to show people what they truly mean to us. We live in a consumer society and that means spending money on people to show them how much they mean to us. 

This can be a bit of a gerbil wheel. Always running behind, running around last minute to TRY to catch up, never quite getting caught up. Running just fast enough to not tumble and fall.

That is how I always feel. Something I am choosing to work on going forward is looking ahead. For example what is coming up in April?

Well there is April Fool's Day, Lulu's 18th Birthday, hopefully her next fight..... 

Typically on photo holidays (you know the ones you like to take photos throughout the days events; unwrapping presents on Christmas, egg/basket hunts, birthday candles....) I run around like a chicken with my head cut off trying to clean everything up to make it LOOK like I am always neat and clean. The truth is I am NOT. 

Originally, I planned on spending yesterday (a day alone) cleaning, cleaning and cleaning some more. The problem was that I didn't want things to appear clean, I want them to truly BE clean. No more half hearted jobs, that make more work for me in the end. 

Later today the kids will call and tell me that they are walking over from their Dad's, I will hide eggs, and I will take photos unashamed of how my HOME looks. Then we will call my mother and she will pick us up for dinner at her house. Nothing special some pork tenderloin, stuffed mushrooms and veggies. On the way home I am going to have her stop at Wegmans so I can pick up Borax and Washing Soda. Borax is a natural deodorant and really helps get cat pee odors out of laundry. Besides that the two are powerhouse cleaning agents. 

The rest of this week will be spent starting my SPRING CLEANING. I won't be done in a week, I don't know when I will be done, but I'll know I'm done when my house is clean. I don't think clutter is a bad thing, but I need to tackle the dust and animal fur that has taken over my home. While I am at it, I am going to begin on some of the improvements to the apartment. 

I have not given up my search for my ideal space, but while I am here, I am going to make this the BEST place for ME to live. I do plan to chronicle my progress and who knows maybe I'll have a nack for flipping apartments.

How are YOU spending your Easter Sunday? Do you know the history of Easter and the Easter Egg? 

However, you are spending your day I hope it is with Love, Laughter, Family and Joy!

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