Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Why ... Hello There!

Hello, lovelies!
My name's Allyssa. (a.k.a. Lu) I'm sixteen; a martial artist in training, and an aspiring UFC fighter. I'm constantly on the look-out for ways to improve my health; spiritually, mentally, and physically.
My healthful pursuit began about 4 years ago in seventh grade, when I got a terrible face rash. Dry, flakey, patches of red irritated skin appeared around my mouth and below my eyes. We tried everything. From natural remedies, like washing my face with oat meal. To many visits to both doctors and dermatologists. (Where I was falsely diagnosed with both ringworm, and cradle cap on different occasions.)
After months of searching, and having different prescription creams thrown at me in hopes of treating my symptoms, my self-esteem was at an all time low. Finally my doctor suggested an elimination diet. For a few weeks at a time I was to take wheat, sugar, and dairy, out of my diet one at a time in hopes that my skin would improve.
We took wheat out first. For a few weeks I stopped eating old favorites, like pasta, commercial ramen, and cookies. A few days later, BAM my skin started to heal. On top of that I felt less bloated and had a ton of energy! And that is the story of how I learned about my gluten intolerance!
One would think, that with clear skin and tons of energy, I would've been sold on the whole gluten-free thing. Sadly, I must say I was not. I went through this two year "denial period." Where I decreased the amount of wheat I was eating, but I still ate it a bit too often ... Which lead to more bloating, and skin issues.
I'm happy to report that in the past two years or so I realized my dream of being a fighter, and have made leaps and bounds nutrition-wise. I've taken wheat out of my diet entirely, along with most other grains and legumes. I've also eliminated dairy, and a ton of processed sugar.
I have so much more energy now than I did four years ago. I've lost a ton of weight and bloat. My strength, will-power, and over all well being are the best they've ever been.

I'm so excited to start this blog; and I hope I can share health, and happiness with whosoever happens to stumble across our posts.

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