Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Set Backs

Not FOUR days into this new and fabulous year I received bad news (on two fronts) and I allowed myself to be swallowed by sorrow and self-pity. Having a head cold that just won't go away and stay away didn't help. Words of wisdom from a good friend did. 

I may have hoped to start my Trashy Tuesday posts yesterday and missed it, but there is always next week. 

I can wallow in self-pity and continue on the path of no control or I can FOCUS on what I can do.

I cannot make my divorce happen any sooner. I CAN be optimistic that the divorce proceedings will go smoothly and quickly this year. 

I cannot make DSS open a TA case for me and pay my back rent. I CAN communicate with my landlord. I CAN clean my apartment. I CAN continue to purge my clutter. 

I cannot will myself healthy. I CAN focus on habits that encourage my immune system to start working again. 

There will be set backs, disappointments and days where I question myself and my existence. What will matter going forward is how I choose to respond to those set backs.

I will continue to clean house and if I have to pack my things and vacate this property I have a house which I CAN return to or I CAN move in with my parents for a very short period of time. 

No matter what I will continue to have faith that the UNIVERSE is guiding me and I will find my happiness and joy in 2016. It is there deep inside my soul. A little ember that I must protect and grow and fan the flames when the time is right. 

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