Instead for 2016 I am simply going to be focused.
Focused on:
ABUNDANCE - There is abundance on this earth and I am fortunate enough to share in that abundance.
I will not focus on what I do not have, I will focus on what I do HAVE. The rest will fall into place. -This actually worked for me for 2016. That is not to say there weren't times that I worried that I wasn't going to make it (you know like when I had to throw away half of my belongings and move into a 11x20 room with my son, 3 cats and a dog in my parents basement), but when I stopped throwing myself a pity party and focused on the fact that I had a place to live (rent free) WITH my pets and my son until I could get back on my feet everything else fell into place. I found a house to own (owner is going to hold the mortgage), a job that is in my field of choice and helps me pay my bills, a new to me car (that is pretty sporty), and an offer to join a massage practice that is slammin.
ABILITY - I am an ably bodied person capable of doing and learning, failing my way to success.
For too long the little voice inside my head has said I cannot. And the support outside my head said YOU cannot and you DO NOT. No more. The voice in my head will be retrained to say I can try. I can try and try again. Sure there are some things that I will not conquer, but there is nothing that I cannot give a fair try and if it comes out a complete disaster, at least I can say I tried. - So I am still working on this one. I often doubt myself, but I am learning to say "I haven't yet learned how to do "X"' or "Failure is simply a step along my path.
FREEDOM - I am free from all constraints, the Universe is my home and my guide.
I will no longer seek anyone's approval or permission for my life. I will live the life that flutters in my dreams and that lingers on my mind. I will be the source of my own happiness. -This one was actually the easiest. I did not celebrate Thanksgiving this year, because I did not want to. I simply don't feel obligated to celebrate a holiday that is the epitome of the failure of the American History system. I stayed home, made myself a delish meal and enjoyed every moment of my intentional solitude.
HAPPINESS - I am in complete control of my own happiness.
These are the focus for my 2016. They are achievable, but will not be satisfied by January 30th. Only on the last day of the year can I look back and honestly evaluate if I was resolved in my focus or if I let myself lose yet another year of my life. Again, there were many (MANY) moments where I let outside influences effect my happiness, but it was only for a short time before I reminded myself that no one else has the power to control my happiness. While I cannot control the things that happen in my life, I always have a CHOICE in how I respond to what happens in my life. Is the glass half empty? Is the glass half full? Does it even matter? Shouldn't I just be grateful I have a glass and there is something in it?
So here is to the coming year and wondering where my 2017 focus will take me.
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