Since this blog was started with the premise of being a Wellness focused blog, I will try to make my Wednesday topics something that is easily identifiable as wellness. I’d like to start with addictions.
Addiction comes with a huge stigma. People think of drugs (street and prescription), alcohol, gambling, sex, even food. People often think of individuals who they wouldn’t want to sit next to on public transit, who steal, lie, and have ruined lives.
What about good addictions? Are there good addictions? Would it be good to be addicted to cleaning, to organizing, to working out, to baking? In my personal opinion an addiction is NEVER good. An addiction is something that you have to have, you have to do without regard for how it effects those around them.
That being said, most everyone I know has an addiction, whether they admit to it or not. Most people are addicted to electronics, social media or some type of food.
Personally, I’d like to deal with my sugar addiction. I know I am addicted because I think about sugar (candy) ALL the time. I have noticed that MOST candy these days does not taste the way I remember it (kind of like chasing that first drug high, it is never as good after the first time) and some candy even tastes like dish soap. Not only do I finish the container I have, I often purchase it again! I have also given in to the soda craze and often drink soda throughout the week. Not even good soda (like Birch Beer, Black Cherry Soda or Ginger Beer) but run of the mill big Cola company sodas.
So right here, right now I am going to deal with my sugar addiction. I have read about 21 day Sugar Detoxes, and essentially that is what I need. From now until Easter I am going to stay away from white sugar. When I say white sugar I mean cane/beet sugar, what most people associate as “sugar”. Right now I am not concerned with fructose (as found in my whole fruits and vegetables), maple sugar/syrup, coconut sugar or honey.
Why only to Easter? Because I believe lifestyle changes that work have to allow for life, celebrations and holidays. Come Easter I will do my usual Easter Basket shopping and enjoy my share of Easter candy. But at that point I will be just past 6 weeks without white sugar. This will allow me to decide if I really enjoy any of the Easter Candy or if I am better off without it.
One addiction at a time.
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